Call for Papers: 10 more days left!

published at 17.05.2016 17:41 by Jens Weller
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A quick reminder that this years call for papers comes to an end! Submit your talk! We are entering the hot phase for submitting talks next week! There already many great talks submitted and many more to come! So far the talks are very well distributed accross the topic range of C++. Even a talk on Range v3 has entered the competition! Remember, this is the 5th Meeting C++ conference, so I want the program to be as good as possible!

So far many long time speakers of Meeting C++ like Joel Falcou, Peter Sommerlad, Rainer Grimm and many more have already submitted their talks to Meeting C++! There are a few new speakers in the field, I am looking forward to the voting, which will give me guidance in choosing the right talks for this years event!

Topics I'd still like to cover:

This years theme Track is GameDev, so if you have to say something about Gamedevelopment and C++, submit your talk to Meeting C++ 2016!

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