Looking for Sponsors for Meeting C++ 2016!

published at 05.04.2016 18:00 by Jens Weller
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With last weeks announcement of Meeting C++ 2016, there is again the option for sponsoring available to companies. Or wealthy individuals ;). Please contact me if you are interested in sponsoring!

Changes for this years conference

For last years conference there was 3 sponsorship classes available: Platin, Gold and Silver. With this year, there is a new one available: Partner level, while the others stay. Partner level sponsoring is different, it means that this sponsor is actually involved in adding something to the conference it self, while also supporting my work financially at gold level. As Meeting C++ is nearly 100% organized by myself, I do have limited resources, so that some things are currently not possible for the conference. If sponsors would like to add some of these to the conference, there are several options a partner sponsor can choose:

Some of these would be covered by me if there is no sponsor, like the lounge, others are difficult to manage for me, either time wise of financially. So I would like to have a sponsor organize this.

Additional Options

There are additional, but limited options available to Partner, Platin and Gold Sponsors like having a booth, a talk slot or even buying your own complete track. I have these options separated from the sponsoring level, as they are limited by the location or other factors, and also not every sponsor is interested in these additional options.

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