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Jon Kalb

Scott Meyers, Effective C++, Effective STL, Effective Modern C++, Modern C++, Exception-Safe Code, Generic Programming, Standard Template Library

Jon has been programming in C++ for almost three decades and does onsite training for teams that want to up their C++ game.

Some of Jon's most popular classes are based on Scott Meyer's Effective C++ series, including the Overview of the New C++. Jon is one of Scott's Approved Training Vendors.

He also offers multi-day instruction on topics such as Exception-Safe Code, Generic Program, and the STL. 

Jon chairs C++NowCppCon, the C++ Track of the Silicon Valley Code Camp, and the Boost Steering Committee. He also serves on the board of directors for the Boost Foundation and the C++ Alliance.

Jon is a frequent speaker at local user groups and conferences, including C++ Russia, where he gave the keynote address in 2018 and C++Now where his talk on Exception-Safe Coding won Best Tutorial.

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