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Satya Das

ABI stable architecture for C++ SDK

Scheduled for 15:45

Satya is currently employed with TomTom but most of his prior professional experience was with Adobe Inc. where he was the architect of the PDF editing feature of Adobe Acrobat.

Satya has over 15 years of experience using C/C++ and has been annoyed by the ABI compatibility and stability problem of C++ for a long time. At Adobe he had developed an AutoCAD plugin for PDF creation, and experienced first-hand the challenges around maintaining different plugin binaries for different versions of AutoCAD as the C++ SDK of AutoCAD wasn't ABI stable across releases. His experience motivated him to start thinking deeper about this issue and he took up the challenge to solve it as a personal project in his free time.

He now believes that he has the answer that can make C++ SDK ABI compatible and stable, and can solve this thorny issue in software development with C++.

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