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Meeting C++ online - about online speaking

An overview about what you need to know about speaking at Meeting C++ online.


Both Hubilo and StreamYard are browser based, all you'll need is a good Microphone and a Webcam. StreamYard enables you to share the presentation window via screen share and this is then integrated into the livestream.

Talk timeline

When giving your talk live via StreamYard, its better when you are not in Hubilo with the same device/browser/machine. As you'll be using StreamYard as the interface to stream your talk, and both would like to have access to your mic/webcam.

Prerecording is also an option, then you'll be watching your own talk live in Hubilo, and we'll do the Q&A after the talk. Either you'll record the talk on your technology, or StreamYard can also be used for this.

Your talk

* The setup and any technical issues will be removed, sound adjusted.

Your slides

Tips for online speaking

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