Announcing Student- and Internationaldiscounts!

published at 12.09.2013 21:42 by Jens Weller
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A short message to you out there, interested in attending Meeting C++ 2013! There is now discounts available for students and international visitors!

I decided to not introduce new ticketclasses for the students and international visitors, instead there is a discount available:

So, if you like to apply for one of those discounts, please contact me. For the Studentdiscount you obviously have to be a student, I will only give you a discount code, if you can proove that to me. Also I'd like to know what you do with C++! As the conference is relying on the funding over the ticketsales, I'd like to limit this discount to 20 tickets (10% of all tickets) for now.

Internationaldiscounts are available for visitors not from Europe! You are from over the great waters and want to catch your flight to Meeting C++ 2013? I'll give you the ticket for the early bird price. Same as the Studentdiscount, you will need to contact me, in order to get the discount!


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