Ticketshop is open!

published at 06.04.2016 11:51 by Jens Weller
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Since last night, the regular ticket shop for Meeting C++ 2016 is open. Currently only available are the Early Bird Tickets. The other tickets will follow later.

Available Ticket Categories

I plan to have a limited amount of Early Bird Tickets available, a few more then last year, I think they are going to sell out in May/June again, I plan to offer them until June when the program is finished if not sold out. Then the Normal Tickets are available until October 1st. From October 1st, only late tickets will be available, I'd like to be sold out by then. An overview:

Late tickets have no reserved contingent, meaning if the event sells out until Oct 1st, there is not late tickets. As the Event is in November this year, I have to make a lot of planning and payments happen in October, thats why the late tickets are 2 weeks earlier then the last two years.

Also, with the decision to rent the larger, not fitted event room in the basement, the costs of this years Conference are much larger, this needs to be covered through the tickets.

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