Adding a book section to Meeting C++

published at 09.08.2021 14:44 by Jens Weller
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Taking a new feature live today: the book section for Meeting C++.

The section offers a listing of current C++ books, currently 14 books by various authors such as Bjarne Stroustrup or Rainer Grimm! More books will be listed in the future, as not all authors had yet time to list their books. July/August is a holiday month after all, though that might give you the time to read a book!

The section offers a top level listing of the C++ books, each book page contains information about the book and links to where you can buy it or read more about that book. The author profiles offer the authors bio plus the books they listed. The search will find hits in the title, author name and book descriptions.

How it works

Authors simply register as an author and then upload the information of each book, which is then listed. Which is also why maybe the book of some authors is currently missing, they did not have the time to list their books or missed the email notifiying them about this new way to list their books. So every book you'll see has been uploaded by its author.

Future plans

I'm not sure what is missing, maybe a link to some of the general book lists. While the book section is live now in its first version, I'll be busy integrating some of this into the website. A speaker profile could show his books after all. Also I may work with some of the authors on events for Meeting C++ online or this years conference.

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