Highlighting two events next week

published at 14.10.2021 18:43 by Jens Weller
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Next week Meeting C++ is organizing two online events, which gives you the chance to get a first impression of what Meeting C++ 2021 will feel like!

The two events will be on Wednesday and Thursday evening (CEST):

Both events are hosted in Hubilo and you'll get a first impression on what it will be like to attend this years online conference!

The 3rd tool fair will now also host authors with their books. Its a great addition to the event, and I'm happy to have Bjarne Stroustrup present A Tour of C++ and Slobodan Dmitrovic present Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners. The 3 tool tables present at the fair are Compiler Explorer, Tipi.build and Redmine Hourglass. If you'd like to host your own table thats still possible, register through the link at the tool fair page. For book authors the link to the registration form is in the authors area of the book section.

The October meeting of the Meeting C++ online User Group follows the tool fair, hosting a talk on C++20 and coroutines by Andreas Reischuck. Andreas is also host of the C++ User Group in Dresden, so this will be a joined meeting. This meeting will also be the last prior to Meeting C++ 2021 and Meeting Embedded.

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