Looking for Employers for the online C++ job fair

published at 02.11.2021 09:52 by Jens Weller
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The Meeting C++ online job fair is in two weeks, and so far I only have one company interested in a free table as of today.

The job fair is on November 16th (afternoon CET) and 17th (evening CET). Sponsors will also be listed on the website with logo in the job section and at the job fair page. During the event your table will be above the free tables and you'll receive CVs through the tooling of Meeting C++ from the moment of signup to friday after the week of the event. The last job fair had 82 folks from 26 countries submit. These sponsorships are also what allows me to work on the tooling and improve the process further,  some funding of the sponsorships also goes into advertising of the event.

C++ Employers sign up here.

This is a unique opportunity to meet the part of the community who is currently looking for a job. You can read up on the last event at the Meeting C++ blog. As this job fair is directly after Meeting C++ 2021 it also will be advertised to the attendees there.

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